I can't run Gsnap VST effect on my windows 10 Audacity

I have a new version of Audacity. I can’t curently run the autotune G-snap vst plugin.
It just says to me, that attempting of load following effect failed.
I have tried also 32-bit version, also My windows is 64-bit. But, I can’t find a select scale button here.
Also, I am blind, but something was changed on It?
Thank You!

Audacity will only run 32-bit effects on Windows.

If the message said that default settings will be used, that message should only occur once.

GSnap does not work properly in Audacity because Audacity does not support MIDI tuning. Here is an alternative: Autotalent for Windows (VST) http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=Autotalent&id=842. It might be better for your screen reader too, given it only has a text-based interface.

If you still prefer GSnap, navigate to the “Manage Presets and Options” button, choose “Options”, uncheck the option for “Enable graphical interface” then restart the effect.

The best list for getting help is Audacity4Blind: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Audacity_for_blind_users#docs.


Thank You!
Also, I know for example Kerovee or Rovee, this is another alternative and ofcourse, Autotalent is pretty fun, but sometimes It made a delay.

Also, another excellent alternative too is Kerovee from g202kg.