Aud 2.1.3, Windows 10, can't play old files

I just used the installer to load 2.1.3. The old files I have are extremely distorted. I tried deleting and re-installing, no luck. Same thing if I record. Playback is just a bunch of buzzing.

Is there a particular format you’re having trouble with? Are these Audacity AUP files, or WAV, etc.?

Can you play the files with other software (Windows Media Player, etc.)?

Same thing if I record. Playback is just a bunch of buzzing.

Are you saying it’s distorted if you record something, and then play it back before saving/exporting?

If you record & export, can you play the files in Windows Media Player?

Reinstalling Audacity does not change its settings at all unless you enable “Reset Preferences” half way through the installer.

To record, choose the device you recording from in Device Toolbar.

Have you installed the FFmpeg Import/Export Library? This lets you import many more file types into Audacity.
