Soften the bass popping

Hi, I’m dealing with a piece of sound that has too much popping in the bass or with the bass maybe too hard. I would like to get rid of this popping in Audacity without affecting the sound of the whole. As yet I’m not too skilled to get this done although I used among others Pop Mute etc. So I’m wondering if someone here versed enough could help me out…?


I can’t tell from the clip what’s wrong other than it sounds funny. I don’t think you can do anything in post production. How are you recording the guitar?


The plectrum noises can be reduced with Paul-L’s DeClicker plugin for Audacity …

but with the settings required it’s very slow : ( takes 1 minute to DeClick 1 minute of mono audio ).
DeClicker settings used.png

Thanks for reactions & solutions guys! That DeClicker whas precisely what I was looking for. Great tool… if you know how to handle it of course… But to be honest, I didn’t know that it was the plectrum causing it, so that was the first step to the solution… :slight_smile:
