No input device period

I am running the newest version of Audacity I just downloaded it today 2.x. I have an HP pavilion brand new running Windows 7 64bit.

When I try and record I get this error. “Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate.” There are no device settings in Audacity. When I went to my control panel I found a recording device which was supposedly connected to the mic jack at the front of the computer. When I clicked on configure and then backed out cause I didn’t see anything which might help the device disappeared. I’m not very tech savvy but have had great success with Audacity on other computers. Any help would be appreciated.

Check in the Windows Sounds control panel to see if there are any recording inputs enabled.
If there are, then select “Transport menu > Rescan Audio Devices” and the available recording inputs will appear in the Device Toolbar

Also check if the drivers for the audio chipset are installed because the ones from Windows have some limitations in the settings.
You can check it (if installed) in the lower right corner of your desktop, you should see a small icon like a speaker Realtek or something different brand.