3 ways to make an array

Method 1 - Make-Array

The “conventional” method to make an array is to first make an empty array of the required size using “make-array”,
then to add the elements of the array using (setf (aref n)) , where is the name of the array and “n” is the number of the array element (starting from 0).

An example to make a simple array with 3 elements (in this case two numbers and a string)

(setf test (make-array 3))
(setf (aref test 0) 3)
(setf (aref test 1) 5)
(setf (aref test 2) "a")

Method 2 - Vector

This is a short-cut for making one dimensional arrays.
It is used for creating arrays with initial data in the array.
Here’s an example with 3 elements - again two numbers and a string:

(setf test (vector 8 9 "b"))

Method 2 - ‘#’ [the hash symbol]
The hash symbol is a built in read macro for arrays that allows initialised arrays to be created in much the same way as using the “vector” function.
Here’s an example with 3 elements - again two numbers and a string:

(setf test #(6 7 "c"))

These functions can be tested in the Nyquist Prompt effect with the code:

(if (arrayp test)(print test))

You will need to use the Debug button in the Nyquist Prompt to see the output.