Installing Python2.6 to Windows 7 OS

Hi Everyone:

I got some instructions from the web to compile Audacity to use with ASIO. It is recommended to install Python2.6 before compiling Audacity. I had problem to install Python. After downloading the installer for Windows from the Python website, I began the installation. An error message popped up saying “There is a problem with the Windows installer package. An .dll required to install Python could not be run.” Please give me advice to resolve this issue.

Thank you.

Python is only required if you want to build the Manual. Audacity will run without the Manual.

The developers are reluctant to handhold those compiling Audacity so it’s unlikely you’ll succeed unless you are prepared to search.

Try these links: .

In other words, it is probably a permission issue. You’ll need to give “full control” to “everyone” in C:UsersAppDataLocaltemp.

Good luck with the rest of it.
