Synchronizing multiple mp3 files

There is a “Harmonic Noise” plugin for Audacity, where you can select how may harmonics you want, and exclude the even ones …
''Harmonic Noise'' plugin with default settings.png

As part of my project, I am looking for a program that will accept eight wav files as input and produce a multi-channel output. I have had no luck. Does Audacity have such a function?

Thank you for your help.

Jim Adrian

Audacity can produce multi-channel audio files from multiple tracks. See:


Thank you for this valuable reply and link. I appreciate it.

Jim Adrian

Jim and others,

This thread has been really interesting! I have just discovered the Nyquist stuff and am starting to play around with prompt.

Do all the comments relating to plugins etc still apply to audacity-3.1.3-1.fc36.x86_64 ?



Stuff about Nyquist and Nyquist plug-ins should still be the same in Audacity 3.1.3 (and the current Audacity 3.2.1 version).

If you have questions about Nyquist / Nyquist plug-ins, there’s a separate forum board specifically for such things: Nyquist - Audacity Forum


Thanks! - I have posted a note about macros and creating sets of overtones but it may be that the Nyquist route will be more useful / interesting.
